Keramtech boiler with PED steam exchanger

Keramtech boiler with PED steam exchanger
Code: BV1KS

Boiler for the production and storage of Sanitary Hot Water. The boiler is made of carbon steel protected by internal enamelled/Keramtech processing. It is equipped with removable stainless steel AISI 316L tube bundle heat exchanger suitable to be powered with steam. The heat exchanger is equipped with a Declaration of Conformity PED (according to Annex VII of the European Directive 14/68/UE, and is bent downward to prevent bacterial growth in the coldest area in the boiler.

Sanitary Material: S 235 Jr Keramtech
Internal protective processing: Inorganic alimentary enamelling D.M. 174/04
External protective processing: Painting with anti rust and industrial enamel
Operation (P max. / T max.): 8 bar / 95°C 6 bar / 100°C
Cathodic protection: Magnesium anode
Exchanger Material: Stainless steel AISI 316L on Inox plate
Internal protective processing: Pickling and passivation
External protective processing: Pickling and passivation
Typology: U - tube bundle (steam-powered) on removable plate
Operation (P max. / T max.): 6 bar / 165°C o 12 bar / 191,7°C
General characteristics

Capacity: 2000 - 5000 Lt
Warranty: 5 years (sanitary accumulation), 2 years (removable exchanger)

  • Flexible Polyester + pvc: Fire resistance class B2 (DIN4102)
  • Rigid insulation:
    • up to 2000 Lt in polyurethane + pvc: Fire resistance class B3 (DIN4102)
    • from 2500 to 5000 Lt polyester (15) + polystyrene (85) + pvc: Fire resistance class B2 (DIN4102)

Reference legislation:

  • PED 14/68/UE Art. 4 Par. 3 (Pressure equipment)
  • M.D. of 6th April 2004 N.174 (suitability of materials in contact with SHW)
  • Directive 2009/125/CE (Energy related Products)